
A peer-to-peer internet router and design system enabling decentralized web access. Powered by the IOTA cryptocurrency.





Instead of relying on Internet Service Providers, data on the Fognet is transferred directly from peer-to-peer. Fognet distributes the costs of running a network among all participants — incentivizing people to participate and increasing availability for all.


The IOTA network does not use mining, token inflation, or proof-of-stake, so tokens can be transferred for free. IOTA tokens will be used on the FogNet to stabilize network traffic, monetize creative content, and sell valuable data without any intermediary.


Fognet routers automatically self-organize into resilient mesh networks with no single point of failure or control. This enables Fognet to be deployed in resource-constrained environments such as rural villages or inner-city neighborhoods.

Fognet Router

The Fognet router works together with phones and laptops in the area to distribute data with little or no internet access. When a primary node has access to the internet, it can share its connection with others. With no internet connection, devices can share cached and local data.

Distributed Ledger

The IOTA distributed ledger can be used to publish secure streams of data, and and control who has permission to subscribe to these streams. Along with IOTA micro-transactions and encryption, this will enable a new era of peer-to-peer business models.


The Fognet operating system will allow anyone to build a website and serve it to the network. Fognet sites will be distributed as small JSON configuration files rather than as HTML, reducing load time. We are creating a component-based design framework to enable fast development on the Fognet stack.

“As someone who has advocated for IOTA as a solution for decentralized ISP for a few years, I am so happy to finally see some tangible steps in this direction.”

David Sønstebø • Co-Founder of IOTA


Evan Feenstra

Inventor // UW

Lyle Klyne

Experience Design // NASA

Joey Hoy

Research Lead // UW

Eric Zelna

Fabrication // Boeing

Dave Molinero

Research, Software // UW

Nico Lueck

Ecosystem // GIZ

Stephanie Ray

Community // Fulcrum

David Plell

Software // Seattle Music Scene

Lewis Daly

Integrations // Vessel Tech